Forum Discussion

Smitty77's avatar
Oct 24, 2019

A flash back today - to former member Sully!

We're relaxing in the warm high 63 temps of the Oregon Coast today after several days of rain...

Decided it would be a good day to go to lunch, convinced the wife (Did not complete the sentence, before she said Yes!), and off we went. A local Mexican restaurant on Hwy 101 in Newport, OR.

So as we're making sure the salsa and hot sauce were good, 'chipping' as we wait for our lunches... I look out the window at stop light. And a vintage Country Coach, pre paint cream color unit with gel coat, was at the light. (In great shape I might add!).

And then a gent walks into the eating room wearing a Sombrero...

Sully!!! It made me think of former Forum member Sully!!! His picture with the Sombrero perched on his head... And of course, he was one of those 'fanatical' Country Coach Owner's!!! (As I have become myself... And I know that the messages back and forth with Sully, helped make my decision to buy a Country Coach...

It's funny how we can make relationships, and in many cases never meeting in person - via these forums...

Point of my message? Well a 'Salute to Sully!!!'... Sure, he could cranky at times. But his wit, and his willing to share his opinion and knowledge - is what RV'ing and Forum Member's holing each other - was all about... A smile to you Sully. (And Sir, I left a tab open for you, stop in fro a Pacifico on me!!!).

Ok, back to RV stuff. But please all, remember those who take the time to help us when we need it... Sully, was such a member...

Best to all,
  • Yeah, I remember the first time he responded to a thread I started, and I thought to myself "Who the heck is this guy"? I think in his hey day he responded to just about every thread in the Class A forum.

    He was not exactly the guy I would choose to handle my customer service department. He at times would come across a bit on the abrasive side, but he had a wealth of good solid information. RIP.
  • Smitty,
    Did you enjoy lunch at Super Oscar's? I never conversed with Sully but I enjoyed reading his posts for years. Are you still at PS?
  • slickest1 wrote:
    He could be crusty but I enjoyed his posts. He is missed!

    He was a Teddy Bear! We did the Yellowstone trip with Sully and his wonderful wife Nancy.

    He came across as crusty, he really wasn't.
  • I actually got a compliment from Sully once. Go figure?

  • Great memory....from my many years on this Forum, "Sully" kind of grew on you and I think he mellowed over the years! Miss him too.