Forum Discussion

bob_b's avatar
Feb 15, 2022

A new mysterious random clicking that

is driving us crazy. It is like the sound of a solenoid but it will click once or twice or ten times randomly. At times we won't hear it for hours then it clicks for half a day. It seems to be from the board that controls the Hydro-Hot but touching all the parts to feel the exact location is inconclusive. The one clue is that the top green light on the right side is on while clicking but when it's off the clicking stops. Any ideas?

  • I can't be sure which relay is clicking and I am having trouble finding a service-man that will come out to our park in Mesa, Az. I have shut it off for now, the photo of the fire convinced me. Any other ideas?

  • Keep in mind that Hydro Hots have been known to catch on fire. It would be a good idea to get it checked.
  • From the picture it looks like you have a relay at the top and bottom(black boxes). When it is clicking a finger on the relay should tell you which one is clicking. Once you determine that you should be able to narrow down the cause.