Rick, for the record i never found your posts to be argumentative, it's a discussion and the one area where we seem to be in agreement is a serious commitment to safety. This is why your many anti air bag sentiments are troubling and frankly inaccurate. The NHTSB is quite forthcoming about air bag related deaths and injuries. Just Google "air bag" and the stats are readily available. Most of the problems have come from children being improperly secured or other operator errors. The myth that air bags are inherently dangerous has been around since their inception. People said the same thing about seat belts when they became mandatory. Both are urban legends that just won't go away. :h
The simple fact is air bags have been saving lives and reducing injuries for more than 20 years.
I also don't share your illusion that the folks driving motorhomes are necessarily better drivers, just seen too many foolish things done by MH's. With their large size and weight which reduces braking and handling you add a lot of potential for accidents. Given how fast some folks like to drive their rigs it is amazing that there aren't more serious accidents involving RV's.
Getting back to the original topic A vs C I am glad you are happy with yours but the one accident scenario you have not even considered is the one most likely, that of a coach striking a non moving object (often a single vehicle event).
When driving off the road and hitting a power/light pole, bridge abutment, large rock, 18 wheeler on the shoulder etc., the only help you will get from momentum is a quicker, (hopefully less painful), death. Imagine a C and an A (both operating within their GVWR's), both traveling the same speed and slamming into an immoveable object such as those listed above. The driver and passenger in the A are probably seriously injured and or killed as there is next to nothing between them and the impact.
The C's frame and chassis take the brunt of the impact and the multiple air bags deploy. Death is less likely and injuries will not be as severe. The success of air bags in this scenario has been documented for decades.
As I said I think there's a lot to like about Class A's but vs a Class C safety is just not one of them.