I was at Pete’s Road Service getting new RV tires a couple months ago. In addition to selling/installing tires, Pete’s is a So. Calif. heavy truck & RV road service provider. I asked them if there was any difference in RV road services from their perspective; E.g. is anything not covered by AAA that is covered by other roadside insurers? They said AAA RV coverage was better than some and as good as any other. I know this doesn’t deal with the “out of So. Calif” topic; but it shows me AAA coverage isn’t lacking
Regarding that clause about coverage outside So. Calif; I just reread the AAA “Member Guide” (all 11 pages). Basically is looks like they cover and pay for services in areas where they have contracts with local service providers. In areas where they don’t have arrangements with local service providers, you have to pay yourself and submit a reimbursement request. Certainly not as convenient as a service that has heavy truck/RV service contracts outside Calif., but it doesn’t seem to be any less coverage.
That is how I read it (but, I've never had to use the service). Has anyone personally used the AAA RV coverage and been disappointed or surprised at what isn’t covered? What were the circumstances?