Forum Discussion

happy-2's avatar
Apr 17, 2016

AC smells burnt

Just turned on both AC units,AND tripped surge Protector at post, front ac smells burnt.shut all off, reset surge protector and turned ONLY rear ac on, rear is working fine plus the red light for the solar charger is out. ANY IDEAS ?????? 2006 Southward 37c
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Three possible Suspects
    1: As discussed above Start cap.. But wait, that costs money (not much)
    2: Motor (blower if it does not start and blow air) Sized,, (Big money)
    3: (no money) Nesting bird or insect blocking condenser fan from turning. (or the blower for that matter).

    Suggestion: "Pop the top" (remove the outer cover) and give it a good visual inspection take flashlight, if you see nothing make sure blower/fan motor shaft turns freely (Turn fan with hand) this is all power off stuff.

    Post results, but if the thing turns.. I'd go with option 1 (Start Cap)

    NOTE: While you are up there, and have the cover off.. Might as well remove the inner covers as well and clean the Condenser and Evaporator coils (as needed) and anything else needing cleaning for that mattter.
  • Will need a good mobil ac repair Guy in Nashville Wednsday,any body know of one?????
  • When i first turned on the front unit there was a smell so i turned it off,then tried again and it tries to start but won't.thats when it popped the surge protector.
  • You might have blown the start capacitor on the 2006 front ac..known it, easy fix but you need to know what you are doing with electricity or you might get zapped..OR...the front AC compressor is toast and the unit has to be replaced or the front fan motor might be burning or burnt out and that can be compressor running for front?...or fan turning on? or just fan and no compressor and the compressor tries to start but won't...the behavior of what is happening can give us some more ideas.