Forum Discussion

sunset4K's avatar
Jun 09, 2017

AC won't run off generator..possible cause??

started home yesterday..turned generator on..waited a few minutes and turned on AC. Never came on. Had dash air on but coach was way to warm. 06 Navigator with 10k Onan. Now we just had the generator serviced-oil etc. but it runs just fine. Got home snd hooked to shore power and the AC worked fine. Only tried to run the LR AC while driving even tho coach has three. Seems that the power the gen is producing is just not getting to the AC unit?? Not an electrical guy so I'm not sure how to diagnose the issue. I did switch the fridge to LP but I would think gen could handle both.

Thanks !!
  • Agree, if it works on shore power only two places to look is Gen or transfer switch. Breaker on Gen Transfer switch itself or loose wire at Gen connection or at Transfer switch connection. Might look Gen side over real good since recent service could be problem end.

  • Breakers were fine-thsts the first thing I checked but I did not think to look at the generator since it was running just fine. I will check that out

    I did not check the outlets etc. I was driving and didn't think to tell wife to check them. Will also check that.

    Salesmans switch was on because when I pulled up at home the slides went out ok and curtain in front closed-they are my benchmark as to whether or not that switch has been bumped lol. I've done it several times snd yes it's easy to do.

    Great suggestions all snd I appreciate them!!!
  • Effy's avatar
    Explorer II
    Breaker or perhaps something inhibiting the transfer switch from engaging. Do you have power to outlets, microwave etc on gen power, or is it isolated to the AC?
  • Check the breakers on the generator. Turn them off and back on, don't just look at them to see if they're on.
  • Do you have a salesman's switch just inside the door? If it gets bumped off (so easy)the 12v power to the AC control board is off & no AC. You said it worked on shore power though, and that has me looking at the transfer switch as suspect. Your 06 Monaco was built with the recalled Iota transfer switch. They are famous for failures and it's possibly the culprit.

    Like 10forty2 said, it could be the breaker on the genset itself.

    A good VOM is your best friend right now.
  • Genset should be able to handle it. I suspect you either have a breaker tripped in the house panel or on the genset itself. More likley on the genset since the AC works on shore power.