The speed limit out on I-5 in the middle of California is 70 in a lot of places. If you get out there and do 70 in the fast lane you'll get run over. Smart thing is to get out of the way and let the dummies pass. So many road rage incidents start over tailgating it just isn't worth it.
But I will add a war story for you. Back before I retired I was driving to work on 99 in California. A kid in a Ford mustang came up behind me right on my bumper. Traffic was fairly heavy and I was in the center of three lanes. The center lane was going faster than the fast lane. So this kid comes over right on my tail and flashes his headlights for me to get out of his way. There was a truck in the slow lane blocking him from changing lanes and using that to pass me. So I slowed a little to make sure I stayed close enough to the truck that he couldn't get around me. I could see him pounding on his steering wheel in the rear view and cussing at me. So I did a brake check on him and that really ticked him off. So I played with him enough and I pulled out in front of the semi enough that he could pass me on the right which he did while giving me the one finger salute all the way around and then cutting right back into me causing me to take action to avoid a collision. Now I would never recommend anybody doing this, unless of course you are a cop in an unmarked car which I was. You should have seen him when the lights came on. He had every excuse in the book about why he was driving that way. He was cited for reckless driving which is probably easier than I should have let him off with. His changing lanes and forcing to take evasive action could have been considered ADW if I wanted to push it.