Forum Discussion

69gp's avatar
Oct 25, 2015

Accidents versus Safe Driving

I thought I would post my thoughts on the recent rash of accidents and driving habits of some RV drivers.

I live in MA but spend a lot of time on the roads in New England. With the fall color almost done here I have seen a lot of bad driving habits from speeding, to driving to slow to towing a dingy in the passing lane.

First off I will be the first to say I don't obey all the laws of the road.

Seen the following over the past week on RT 495.

Looked to be about a 44 MH towing a ford F150 in the passing lane at about 80 MPH I was doing 70 in the center lane in my pu. speed limit is 65

Dually towing a large 5th wheeler in the passing lane. trailers not allowed in that lane in MA.

At least a 40' MH doing about 60 in the passing lane. Ton of people passing on the right including me.

Pickup truck pulling a trailer with a ball hitch and not having the tow setup done correctly. Truck and trailer was all over the road.

RT 290 Worcester Super C towing a boat through the city at about 70 MPH speed limit is 50. lot of turns on this road.

Now for some good was driving along a side road in NH following a MH going a lot slower than the speed limit. Most likely just taking in the fall foliage. MH driver slowed down and pulled to the right signalling me with his hand to pass him. Just want to say thanks.

I figure a lot of the accidents we see are most likely cause by speed, drivers not capable of handling the rig they are driving, not having there tow vehicle set up properly and not knowing the laws of each state as to what the rules of the road are.

just my 2 cents.
  • I drive the speed limit It saves me fuel and fines. I always assume drivers on side roads are not going to stop so I try to be prepared. If I see a driver switching lanes I try to give them all the room they need. Better behind them where I can watch them closely. Why did I become paranoid and suspect every other driver is a hazard? Pulling dead, dismembered, or severely injured people out of vehicles. Unfortunately many are victims of the driver at fault.
  • I thought I would post my thoughts on the recent rash of accidents and driving habits of some RV drivers.

    Sounds like a normal day to me.
  • Keep right except to pass is the second most disregarded sign on the highway. In Mass, it's a $100 fine. I've never seen anyone pulled over for traveling in the left lane. We call the right lane here the through lane, because that's the lane you go "through" to get on and off the highway.
  • If you want to see some nut cases, drive on I20 between Birmingham and Atlanta a few days before the Talladega races. I think the RV'ers think they are racing themselves.

    Oh, and Alabama passed the law this year where you cannot impede fraffic in the left lane.
  • In many States the left lane is designated a passing lane. If you ain't passing you MUST be in the right lane. Not doing so can get you a ticket (and rightly so). While this should be considered a common sense scenario, there are too many folks who have no consideration for anyone else and simply don't understand why all these other folks keep getting in their way!
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    The big problems are this:
    1: The "It is legal so long as I do not get caught" mentality of many drivers (story follows) and
    2: Government budget cut backs have greatly reduced police presence.

    Some years ago the Michigan State Police parked either a plane or helicopter over a segment of I-696 international speedway.. er, Freeway early one week. Before the aircraft had to return to base for re-fueling they wrote 85 tickets, Slowest they wrote wasw 85, fastest 105.

    A couple days later they parked the other kind of aircraft in the same place.

    Another 85 tickets, once again you had to be going 85 to get an invite to visit with a judge, and the winner was doing 105.. Why do I think it was the same guy both times?

    Only thing that stops them is a cement wall.
  • Kayteg1 wrote:
    Here we go again.


    of US states slow driving in "passing lane" is perfectly legal.

    There is no law

    , even less of law enforcement that would organize the traffic.
    When the law creates chaos, where do you want to go from here?WILD WILD WEST

    Ahhhh, yes there is.

    The key word is in most states. When you are RV'ing you most likely don't know where it is legal and where it is not. You can pass but if you stay in the left lane you will get ticketed in MOST states.

    ...""At least 38 states have laws in place to fine for lingering in the left lane...."

    Come on down to Chicago Illinois THEY will show you how they enforce that law by taking a $1,000 out of your wallet! :B
  • Why don't you complain to your State Police? They are the guys charged with keeping the roads safe by monitoring the drivers and what is driven. Talking to all of us is like preaching to the choir.
  • "First off I will be the first to say I don't obey all the laws of the road."

    I think that says it all. :)
  • Here we go again.
    In most of US states slow driving in "passing lane" is perfectly legal.
    There is no law, even less of law enforcement that would organize the traffic.
    When the law creates chaos, where do you want to go from here?