Talk to the bank and find out what is the best deal they will offer you. If you can't live with their offer, then document all the relevant RV information / condition with many pictures and written narrative, then notify the bank that you are stopping payments and that they can come and repossess (this could take weeks or months) the mortorhome. Eventually they will repossess. They might come after you for the difference, they might ruin your credit score, they might just write off the difference and forget about it. If they come after you for the difference (take some of that money you saved from not making payments + other costs)and consult an attorney with all of the documentaion you have and have him/her advise you on your best course of action. I know two acquaintences who did this, one has had zero negative impact (so far - after 4 years and the other has taken a hit on their credit score /rating and that has also been more than four years ago). I quit looking at these kinds of transactions as a moral issue after the financial meltdown and bailouts and learning how many crooks and theives there are within our financial institutions (banking, lending Etc), individuals and government. These transactions are simply a business transaction. You buy a product through financing and they use the product for collateral and then later you can no longer make payments then let them take their collateral back and they can sue for any difference (after making sure they have done everything they could to minimize the damages). Good luck whatever you decide to do.