From 1992 through 2007 (chassis years) Ford's front sway par poked through bushings in the axle. Not pressed, just poked, so the bar pulls out easily and you can leave the bushings in their holes. The Hellwig bar mounts with its own brackets that clamp to the axle. Because the front bar has to go forward a few inches to come out of those bushings, it's possible you have to raise the front a little if it was on the ground, or lower it a little if you've raised it. Just enough to let the bar come forward and still clear the steering linkage. Hellwig uses different frame brackets. Has to because of the different bar diameter. There's a space plate to go under the bracket. I think you re-use the original bolts. This pic shows the Hellwig bracket. End of the bar is at the top of the link. The hole for an OEM bushing is right next to it. No bushing because this is a 2012 axle and the boss for the new style OEM bar is next to the hole. Hellwig has a different part number for the replacement bar from 2008 and up, but the earlier bar works on both and I already had it.