booty51 wrote:
There are horn lovers and haters on this forum, be carefull!
Horns are great! Didn't you ever sit up on the hill at Grandpa's house and pump your arm at the big trucks as they rolled by to see if they would honk or not, when you were a kid. We did, we didn't have anything else to do and all had a big laugh when the honked.
Today horns are used as a weapon. These train horns are far louder that needed and are used by ignorant people who use their horn instead of their brake. I guess some feel that with the purchase of one of these horns they appoint themselves as a "Sargent of Arms" on the highway and their life purpose is to notify the surrounding area that another vehicle has done something they don't like. I put the users of these train horns in the same class as the little Hood Rats that drive around with their cars pumping out bass. I am guessing mommy and daddy didn't give them enough attention when they were a child.