You need to know how many amps the two sets of horns use. If you are real lucky, the new ones may not draw much more than the old ones. If they draw quite a bit more you will have to check the wiring to see if it can safely carry the increased current.
Find the horn relay to see if it has a current rating on it.
Find what size fuse is fitted.
Does the fuse protect more than just the horns?
Check the wire size to see if it is large enough.
Does the power wire to the horn relay contacts come directly from the battery, or is it a shared supply from the fuse box?
As already suggested you may have to fit a new relay that is operated by the original system. You will then need to wire in a dedicated fused supply directly from the battery to the relay, and then a wire to the horns. The wiring will need to be of the correct size for the current and length required. This will ensure that you get maximum voltage at the horns, and will get the full sound output.
Its a bit like installing a set of popup sprinklers to water the back lawn and then running a 1/2 inch hose to a tap out the front. The water will just dribble out of the sprinklers because the hose can't flow the amount of water required.