Effy wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
I have a suggestion, why even mount it on the RV? You're just talking drilling more holes to leak. The new LED TV's are very light. My RV already has an external cable output so I take along a 20" led TV and just set it on a folding table. That way I can put it where ever I want depending on how long my cable and extension cord is.
I had thought about that too and it's something I might do, I just worry about having to bring it in every evening to keep someone from stealing it. Not that they wouldn't if it were hung but I could at least screw it in. On a table I am forced to bring it in every time I leave the coach or go to bed.
I keep mine in a basement compartment so I just put it back in at night and close the lid. I can actually even it leave it in the compartment set up and watch it from there, but it's low in the compartment so I don't do that often. I also have a LED projector so when we have kids along in our group we can watch movies on the side of the RV.