Do the math first. Contrary to belief it is not cheap to full time. Make sure your finances can handle it. I believe there are quite a few sticky notes on this forum with actual accounts and formulas regarding the monthly costs to full time for you to get some sort of an idea how it will fit your life.
And I would most defintely do a snowbird run FIRST before you pull any trigger of selling your home! Since it's so hot in Florida in the summer (I am enduring it right now), I would snowbird run up North where it is cooler for several months.
1. It gets you out of the hot Florida sun and 2. It will give you a REAL good feeling if living in your RV is for you. Just saying. That is what I did before I put the house up for sale.
And 'more' importantly you need an exit plan. Not everyone that heads out full time 'stays' out full time. You'll need a plan in place as to what you will do and where you will go if when and if you decide to pull off the road.
Good Luck and have fun. It never hurts to plan ahead!