The only thing I can add and it is not by experience as we leave for around 7 months in the RV and then come home for the summer to our stick built home. Wouldn't give up the stick built for anything. We have had a couple of health issues that required surgery and then recoup and I just can't imagine doing all that being only in an RV.
At some point, you will have to quit traveling and will you have the funds to repurchase a stick built or will you have to rent. The motorhome will not last like a stick built and will decline in value so you have to plan for the future also. You are fairly young, so you could possibly go through 2 to 3 RV's as they are not meant to full time in them and if you travel a lot, they will have to be replaced.
There are benefits but there are also those things to think about down the road.
We have met lots of people that are in situations that they can't repurchase a home and they do not want to full time any longer. Others started out with no payment on their RV, but then had to replace it and then all of a sudden have payments.
Just lots of things to consider. Keeping your stick built does add quite an expense, but to us, we want that security to be able to come home and we actually love the 4 or so months at home between our excursions in the RV