Passin Thru wrote:
Ya! Why pay taxes when you use their roads and utilities and gripe about their stupid uneducated students. Render unto Ceasar! Oh wait! Wrong, You pay sales tax on everything.
We just sold our house in rural N.E. PA. We had a property tax rate of 4.1% making it FAR higher than any percentage show in any "Avoid these high tax areas in your retirement" articles that appear in web and magazine based retirement guides. We moved one county away and the rate dropped to 1.9%. Apparently, following your logic, we had a moral obligation to stay and fund a school system that provided superior education, based on their out of control spending? Sadly, statistics indicate that the area we left has nothing to offer in the way of outstanding schools, or even any improvement directly attributable to it's residents paying some of the nations highest R.E taxes. I guess we would be really morally questionable if we got tired of the horrible weather, rude city "move-ins" and other issues here, and sold out to full time? Glad you dropped by to straighten us out on this moral quandary.