Thanks everyone for all the good advice. We are taking it all in and working on doing some good planning for our future on the road and putting down some roots here in Florida with a smaller place to call our home base.
Everything sounds good from this end for hitting the road as a full timer but with family still here in Florida we feel we do need some roots here as well.
We are working going to sell our "big house" and do some major downsizing, build us something for a home base when not on the road and do our best to see how we like it.
Our rig is a Allegro, 28ft., with our jeep we will use for our off road trails and adventure riding, both paid for as we want to take it on a slower pace to see how we do before we decide if full timing is for us. Now if I can only learn that I will not need "everything" from my kitchen to go along with us and can make myself leave much of what I think I will need at home we might make it. I am one to think I would rather have it with me than need it later, this will be a big adjustment for me.
Thanks again for all the help.
Happy Travels, God Bless & Be Safe