gonesouth wrote:
The existing tires are Dunlop 11R22.5 circa late 2012, so either the second or third set from new. My plan is for an immediate replacement, based on comments here probably with Toyos or Dunlops. Over the life of the tires I will put on this month, I expect to drive about 25,000 miles.
I'm saddened by Cat not making highway engines any more, But that was true before I bought my 98 Beaver in 2010 which had a 425HP with full Jake Brake, and performed flawlessly.
With that new info I'm sure you realize this is a smaller engine
and probably will not perform as powerfully as your big Cat engine .
You won't have that great engine Jake brake either .
I loved our Cat engine too and maybe they will come back into
the market when pollution regulations are a little friendlier .