Forum Discussion

Winnipeg's avatar
Jul 07, 2017

Air-bag Leveling

I am curious about whether most DP's are able to level using the airbags, with or without jacks. I know that Allegro Breeze uses air-bag leveling and doesn't have jacks (not enough space). I have also seen high-end 45' coaches arrive in the campground and hiss away while they go up and down to achieve level (pretty cool). I assume the high-end coaches also have jacks in case the air bags run out of range.

What about a typical (if there is such a thing) 40' DP? I think that most can air-down, but can they actually level with the air bags?
  • I used to have hyd levelers that only sat on top of the axles for leveling/on a 2001 Beaver Contessa. But due to leaking hyd jacks I had HWH Corp remove the jacks,cap off the hyd lines. Then they custom manufactured an air system and installed all new air lines to the airbags and a new console and compressor to level the coach with just air. Push a button for travel mode, get to a campsite and set air brake, push level button and allow coach to release air and level the coach.
  • All air suspension coach's can air down to let the coach kneel to it's lowest position. I actually just do that sometimes if we are nearly level as we prefer the coach to sit lower. Both air & hydraulic leveling would be best but we have hydraulic only.
  • Air bag leveling is typically on the higher end coaches I believe. I have air bags that deflate and inflate with the jacks, but I can't use the bags for the purpose of leveling at a campsite. They simply deflate prior to leveling so the jacks have enough stroke to level. They inflate just prior to the jacks retracting when I leave.
  • Well, my 40ft Country Coach can level with air bags only. But like coaches with jacks, there are situations where I can't get level. Yes, I know you can use blocks with jacks but that would probably involve the wheels leaving the ground to get level. I would rather keep all tires on the ground. I pull into a campsite and hit the auto level button and let the computer take care of the leveling