A DP is likely different from my F53. My mechanic adjusted the alignment to specs and it was still out. He asked if I wanted it to steer properly or align it to the specs. He adjusted the camber and caster more on one side than the other, had to bend the axel to get the right specs and also checked the rear end alignment. It steers great now. Issue was solved. Your DP would have additional issues, air suspension balanced y/n, rear suspension same issue also is it aligned as well? Could be pushing you to the left or right just enough to screw up the front steering. Most roads are crowned so there is a natural tendency to veer to the right even if everything is aligned perfectly. The only thing the safety plus helps is to counteract the crown on the majority of roads and dampen the steering, not the alignment. The longer your wheel base the more weight distribution, suspension, wind, road crown, etc.. affect the steering. Good luck, sometimes it's just a simple thing that ends up taking a lot of time and money to figure out.