flyakat wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback. When looking at new RV's we asked about heating. We were told that you would use the heated tile floor (provided you had that option) and the electric fireplace with a blower. They do have aqua Hot for water heater. I would like to know if anyone has been in cold weather and if this heating is sufficient to keep coach warm? We know from experience that the heat pumps are not efficient in cold weather but we have our propane heaters to keep warm.
Thanks again.
what unit are u looking at? If it has Aquahot system that's what is used for heats(if u get that option) the floor and it has heat exchangers with mini also heats fresh water for hot water(same unit dual purpose) The roof heat pumps work fine down to about 38-40 degrees assuming it warms up during the day but who wants those things blowing all nite long.anyways no to beleger the situation if your worried about cold weather heating wherever that might be the aquahot system is the best there is out there.