IN 2003, all Allison transmissions came with Dextron III fluid. In 2006, I believe they switched to Transynd. Regardless of what was put in the transmission from the factory, the Allison recommendation NOW is to use Transynd in their transmissions.
They recommend a complete drain and fill with Transynd, and changing the external filter. After 20,000 miles or so, drain and fill the transmission again with Transynd and then you can use the Transynd extended drain intervals.
The problem with using mileage, etc is that this really DOES NOT indicate when you may have to change your fluid because of other factors. If your transmission was overheated, because of a long hill climb, or other reason, the life of your fluid has diminished and may need to be changed ASAP. High transmission temperatures shortens the life of your fluid.