Forum Discussion

backhoemike's avatar
Jun 11, 2014


My MH has VDO gauge, it is reading just a little over 11 volt while running , today i started my coach and the battery read 11.7 volts, once i started the engine it dropped to 11.4 , i started the generator and it slowly started creeping up to 12 volts, but the gauge on the dash never moved, curious if my genny is charging the chassis batteries along with the coach? i drove it at night about 500 miles but had the generator running the whole time and was worried any minute my lights would go out. just confused as i cant tell if the altenator is working correctly.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    The simple way to test the alternator is to check the voltage at the chassis battery with the engine running and it should be about 14 volts. Do you have a multi meter?
  • It sounds like you need to replace your alternator. Do as little night driving as possible until you get it replaced. While driving, turn off as many accessories as possible.

  • My Genny does not charge my Battery It does power the charger and inverter that powers the house and inverter batteries. I carry a charger and plug it into a socket that is located near the engine batteries then the power from the Genny can be used to run the charger. I would also be worried at 11.4 volts.