Think of the thousands of traveling full-timers out there. They don't drop their RVs off for service or repair. They never know where they'll be when needed so they make an appointment in the direction they're heading. The repair facility has the parts ordered. The RVer pulls in the day prior; spends the night on the facility lot - many times with electric; the RV is taken in the next morning and work is completed usually that day or at the most, the next morning. We've always been offered that we spend another night if we want rather than leave late afternoon.
For us, it's gone like clockwork. Of course, this couldn't be done this fast for anything major but still, we've known full-timers who have had major work done and still lived in their RV at night. It really is possibly, folks. I know of one at this time who had an accident and needed rear radiator work and a paint job and they arranged it to be done as they were heading there. They were ready when they arrived and the work was done immediately. They still were able to stay in their RV for a couple nights.