Always good to hear from someone from the Great State of Montana. The state with clean air, mountains, friendly people and LLC's. I don't disagree with your idea on rental but my situation is of such that it would not work for me. If it costs me $30,000 than it does! I don't mean to be cavalier about losing money but, it is what it is, if I want the motorhome experience.
I'm doing my do diligence that much I can tell you for sure. I'm convinced the quality or the top level gassers of at minimum Tiffin, Newmar and Winnebago are a very good build. I've also not heard owners saying different.
I have no expectation of a gasser being a diesel but I do have the expectation that the gasser will get me where I want to go and will not fall apart while sitting in an RV park. I've owned very expensive cars and some very cheap ones as well. But I can say they all got me from A to B and they all performed as expected. I have the same exception of a motorhome, Gas or Diesel.
I can be wrong but I don't think so! So everyone please pile on and let me know I'm a moron. That at least is one thing we all can agree! :)
I just thought of something else after closing out my post. With an automobile the common wisdom is if you keep the car 3 years it lessons the amount of loss. Is that also true with a new motorhome?