We take our MH to the local park and the beach throughout the year. There is a beach at the local park and we setup camp right next to the beach there. We spend the day, swim in the lake, fish, etc., and then we can shower off before going home. We do the same thing at the beach. Jekyll Island, GA has several large parking lots along the beach. We setup camp in one of the parking lots and spend the day. Jekyll Island is about 20 minutes from home. We used to do it often until they change the price of a pass for oversized vehicles - was $45 for the year now they want $90/year.
It really is nice having all the comforts of home where-ever we are. We've gone to the kids ball games with the motorhome. We even camped out over night at one of their tournaments. We asked a local Police Officer who was there and he said it was fine. They locked us in for the night.