Forum Discussion

countrycampers3's avatar
Aug 12, 2018

any mice during storage?

We currently have a Winnebago Class A. We farm for a living and store the RV on farm. We have not had mice in our class A for any of the 3 years we've owned it. Now either the Class A is sealed up great or its the electronic mouse repellent plugged into the 110 outlet. That's a toss up, only used the repellent this last year.

We are thinking of going to a class C. From your experience do any of you have mouse problems during storage?

If you do have mouse problems, do your grey, and black tanks have a basement, or are they open right to the ground. I'm thinking if they have a basement they would be sealed up better.

Any experience with basement or non basement and mouse problems?

I don't want to know how to control mice. I want to know if any of you notice if a basement in you class c keeps out the mice better.

would appreciate your experience.
  • It will help a lot to get rid of ANY source of food in the RV. That even means drugs, medicines, spices, oils, etc. Don't even leave sealed containers in there.
    The rest just seems to be luck.
  • I just don't get it.

    You said it yourself.....the shed is the decoy.
    A sanctuary shed .
    There is probably a small sign hidden somewhere.. 'rodents welcome kitty-litter free zone'. :B
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    Sometimes I think it is completely random.

    I park my TT in the woods near my equipment shed. The shed, and mowers in it, get overrun with mice every winter. This is with the inside of the shed practically glowing green with all the mouse poison I put down.

    My TT, all of 15 feet away, literally has never had a mouse in it... EXCEPT for the rear bumper! Mice have numerous times made a nest in the stinky slinky which is stored in the rear bumper. Other than that, mice have never entered the TT as far as wife and I can tell with careful "spring cleaning" every year.

    I just don't get it.
  • countrycampers3 wrote:

    I don't want to know how to control mice. I want to know if any of you notice if a basement in you class c keeps out the mice better.

    Better than what, exactly ??

    If you live on a real working farm, you NEED to know how to effectively control mice and rats.....for more reasons than your RV.

    Your RV can not be perfectly sealed. If it were, 4 people inside breathing all night might deplete the oxygen. Mice will find the openings that you will NEVER find.

    Tamper proof bait stations with solid bait blocks is the ONLY way to go. I lived on a working farm for about 40 years and you could tell within a couple of weeks when the bait in the boxes ran out.
  • to answer your question, any rv can get critters, closed or open only takes a hole the size of a dime for a mouse to get in and they will get in. you,ve been real lucky . or something is killing them off cats snakes hawks etc. go get the rv of our choice. I,d have it sealed up just for piece of mine.
  • Do you have cats on the farm? My guess is they may help. I used to store mine on family land that had a few cats roaming around, no mice. Last year stayed home for winter, no cats full of mice!
  • Mice don't care what kind of RV it is. For myself, the best way I have found to control mice is the simple, cheap wood snap-traps with peanut butter...maybe 10 of them located inside and in the storage areas I get most of "my"mice where the generator is.
    Some years I get 4-5. Others, 1-2. I check (and replace as needed) every two weeks when I go and start the motor and generator .