In those years the Dynasty gave the most bang for the buck. Not sure it's a 41' as most were 40 or 42. The early 03 LR slide only goes out 24" while later 03's go 34". Probably a 350 HP while a 04 will be 400. May have two ACs and a 10K generator while a 04 will have three and a 12.5K. May only have two slides while a 04 will have 3-4 slides. May not have AquaHot or Girrard awning while most 04's will have. My point is there was a lot of changes between 03 and 04 in the Dynasty line. A early 03 should go for less than $70K.
*I've owned mine for 10 years and see no reason why it will not go another 10-15. I like the solid handling of the RR10S chassis and I recently did 1900 miles in 48 hours as it's that easy to drive. I would look at the age of the tires and batteries although my engine batteries went 11 years and still tested good.