Forum Discussion

katoomer's avatar
Jul 28, 2016

Anyone chip a Cummins ISB 6.7 XT?

Lately we've done a few trips pulling our enclosed trailer with our VW Golf R in it. That adds up to a tow weight of 6900 lbs. so we are lacking power big time. Has anyone installed an aftermarket power chip or tune to their 6.7L Cummins? Curious to know if it would make a difference. Cheaper than a different coach and we love our Newmar.
  • So! you're saying he should watch the temp gauge. 1st go to the Cummins engine forums and also read up on Edge Computer. Make sure you get a good EGT readout and run the temps the manufacturer recommends, depending on where you put the probe it can be 1450 degrees for 5 minutes. We have used one for 10 years and love it. Some you can adjust on the fly so if you are pulling La Veta Pass which is 6% and 45 miles you could turn it down so it runs cooler. Mine paid for itself by raising our fuel mileage by .8/gal.
  • Just remember that anytime you increase HP you will create more heat. For short pulls it might be ok,but for a long pull at full throttle could lead to engine damage.There is no free lunch.
  • There are tuners - some are better than others.
    Choose one that doesn't raise rail pressure beyond Bosch limits.