Forum Discussion

Dawghouse92's avatar
Sep 05, 2015

Anyone use scooters? (Zuma, Vespa, etc..)

I was just wondering if anyone uses a scooter when they travel and what that experience is like. I bought a class c last year we currently dont use a tow vehicle. I dont really want to tow a car but would like to be able to get around when we travel. I was thinking about getting 2 Zumas for the wife and I and a versahauler. Basically combined its about 700lbs so it seems convenient and easy.

i know some parks dont allow them but was hoping for some insight by people who go this route. thanks.
  • Yes, you need to pass a motorcycle test. It was easy. Most community colleges have a two week course that results in getting the box checked.

    Insurance is $250 per year. Don't remember what I used to pay for the Harley.
  • Bordercollie wrote:
    I have an old Honda Trail 90

    Excellent. I love the old Trail 90 and Trail 55.
  • What Big Katuna says about the 50cc scooter in 45 MPH traffic is correct. It can get very intimidating slowing to 20-25 mph when encountering increased grade, and the people behind you are not patient. Not for the weak of heart, nor would I encourage a small scooter for high traffic areas.

    However, PA law requires a motorcycle license for anything over 50cc, whereas any operater's license can be used on 50cc or less. That was a primary deciding factor when I purchased ours. The wife has no desire to get a permit, attend a safety course, take a licensing test, etc...

    Check your state laws for operating requirements.

    Oh, and that scooter cost as much to insure as my Harley. An $800 scooter as much to insure as a Harley---you say???? Yeah, they know that little scooter isn't very safe, and that no special license is required.
  • Vespa 150. Carries two up to 60 mph so safe for in town 45 mph roads.
    I don't think it is safe to drive 35 in 45-50 mph traffic and that's all the little 50s go.

    It weighs 170 pounds and I carry it either behind my Element or on the motorhome.
    It's great for events; easy to park almost anywhere and sometimes not having a toad is great.

    I put the front and rear racks on and a trunk and can carry a ton of groceries, two folding chairs etc.
  • I have an old Honda Trail 90 (188 lbs)on a 50 lb aluminum rack. It is light enough not to disturb the handling of our 27 foot Class C. Carrying 700lbs on a rear hitch rack would probably make the rig light on its front wheels.
    It may be that a small trailer would be best for carrying two scooters even though you don't want to tow anything. Covers over the scooters or over the trailer would keep them cleaner.

    Expect to have to pay a fee for having "extra vehicles" at some RV parks. A few may prohibit taking scooters off the rack or trailer.
    You may have to have a motorcycle permit on your license and insurance to operate them legally.

  • I ordered a chineese scooter online about 8 yrs ago. I ride a H-D, however, the wife does not have a motorcycle license, so I bought a 50cc scooter that can be operated with a class C license (PA-law).

    We frequently carry it in the back of the truck when camping. With a top speed of 45mph on flat ground---faster then comfortable on 10" tires-- we use it for trips to the camp store, restroom if far away, into town if close enough, etc...

    The scooter is registered, insured and inspected (PA-LAW)so we have never heard a complaint about using it in the CG. Many people use their TV to move around the CG, not much different with a "licensed" scooter. Even in places that say "motorcycles must only be used to go from gate to site---site to gate", we never heard a complaint about riding the scooter to our destination within a park.

    Let me add...we do NOT JOY RIDE. We do NOT buzz up and down the roads like a kid on a razor scooter. We use it like a vehicle, not a toy.

    EDIT: Yeah.....I have a bit of fun with it on Halloween as well.I can't find a picture of the giraffe---that was fun. So was the penguin, cow, clown------this year, I am thinking APE. The neighborhood has come to expect a new costume every year.