2gypsies wrote:
You do realize than there are many RVers who live off the grid by their own choice. This isn't something new. I'd suggest you move to Quartzsite now and get your preparing done. There are thousands arriving daily that can give you 'how to' hints. :)
This is the way it is in these parts also.Very few actually RV as the majority here does.Most everyone hunts/fishes and spends alot of time in the mountains and have more guns and ammo than they will ever need,myself included.Most have a RV of some sort that they use just for hunting or camping,not traveling.
Putting a wood stove in your RV solves all your problems with longevity in the RV.I have seen many many put wood stoves in there RV including newer motorhomes to make it much easier and cheaper to survive the winters we have in central Idaho.
I new a guy that got to be a very good friend that lived in a lean-to in two feet of snow in the mountains near Cascade Idaho who worked logging with us(bad times for him in Vietnam)..After his second pay check he went and bought a 16 ft Shasta travel trailer and put a sheepherders wood stove in it with a genuine oven built in.He thought he died and went to heaven with this setup and easily made it through the winter of over four feet of snow and temps way below zero.
As with most threads on this forum,it depends on where you live and how you grew up as to how you use your RV.While I am setup to stay for long periods of time in mine because of my past work, miles away from any town,the first thing I would do is put my tent woodstove/with oven in my larger RV solving any need for propane or gas and use the porta-potti in the warm RV (grin)..
While living in a small town with only one stop light and 200 miles from the nearest freeway in Idahos central mountains has some disadvantages,it has alot of advantages for living off the grid in a crisis..My biggest worry would be all the city folk coming to try and take what we have after they went mad,as mentioned earlier.I think most local folks are setup to take care of that problem if needed,unfortunately..
As long as you have (Sammy Kershaw song) Beer, Bait, And Ammo,you'll survive.:B