freestoneangler wrote:
How about its use in hot weather -- when you want hot water but don't need heat in the coach? Also, do they tend to give off odor and more costly to maintain?
They are 2 separate systems. There is the Hot Water side and the Heating(furnace side). The Furnace side does NOT circulate hot water unless you have the wall tstat set for furnace mode. As to the exhaust. No matter what anyone says, they are a BIG disturbance to your neighbor on your drivers side. The exhaust on most is amidships and shoots out directly to your drivers side neighbor. THAT is a big no no in my opinion. But, it is the nature of the beast. The ONLY maintaining is an annual tune up that can cost about $300 max. But, the most common problems on a Aqua hot system are from LACK of use. The Diesel burner(nozzle) and the circulation pumps and check valves do not like long periods of inactivity. They tend to clog up(diesel nozzle) and the Furnace side check valves stick. Regular running of the Diesel system and furnace system, just like running the APU is a must to keep the systems from malfunctioning. Doug