Forum Discussion

slemnah's avatar
Oct 12, 2013

aquahot zones

I have a 2005 Safari Panther with Aquahot. I recently purchased the motorhome and tried the aquahot and found that zone 2 just blows cold air while the other zones blow nice warm air. I assume the circulation pump isn't working for that zone. Has anyone had a problem like this and what was the solution?
  • Trainer wrote:
    Go to the Aqua Hot heater and open the cover. Each circulation pump has a brass check valve.

    The zone that is blowing cool air will have a not very hot pipe coming out of the heater while the zone that is blowing really warm air will have a very hot pipe coming out of the heater.

    Using a wrench or mallet, rap the brass check valve below the cooler pipe and feel the pipe to see it it warms up. Bet it will.

    If that does not work, post back and we will try something else.


    To prevent any of the check valves from sticking, operate the Heat system 3 or 4 times a year. Doug
  • On our 04 Imperial the zone 2 (potty room) pump is also the "stir" pump which circulates the hot water in the tank to keep it uniform in temp. It will run without the fan in zone 2 running. The problem you have is probably a stuck check valve as trainer explained. You should remove the cover and, with zone 2 heat selected and the fan blowing air, check to see if the pump is running.
    On mine the zone 3 (bedroom) pump has failed and I am trying to find a replacement for less than the $400+ the mfgr wants for one.
  • Go to the Aqua Hot heater and open the cover. Each circulation pump has a brass check valve.

    The zone that is blowing cool air will have a not very hot pipe coming out of the heater while the zone that is blowing really warm air will have a very hot pipe coming out of the heater.

    Using a wrench or mallet, rap the brass check valve below the cooler pipe and feel the pipe to see it it warms up. Bet it will.

    If that does not work, post back and we will try something else.
