Forum Discussion

bjones3211's avatar
Jul 20, 2016

Attaching furniture to a slide out

Hello I just bought a recliner sofa for My Class C to replace the sofa that is on a slide-out what would be the best way to secure it without missing up the slide-out
  • My slide floor is made of wood. Some screws put my new fouton stilts in when I took out the crappy RV sofa. 3000 miles and no issues other than mattress sliding some.
  • Depends on slide out construction, but basically you have to find and use the hard points in the slide. These would include existing sofa attachment locations, seat belt anchor locations, third choice being location of any frame members in the slide floor or wall. I would be inclined to build adapter plates to bridge from any tie down points on the new sofa to the mounting location of the old sofa. Material and weight will depend on how well you want to anchor it.

    Many folks don't bother to anchor replacement furniture. They may or may not bungee it in place for traveling.
  • I tried something similar L bracket but first hard turn they just pulled out I saw on you-tube to use seat belts but you can't use when on the road so I used cargo strapes but still can move up and down a little,