Forum Discussion

wpatters1229's avatar
Apr 12, 2015

Atwood G6A-8E water heater caught fire

I went on a trip this week and before going out in my 2006 Four winds i checked all systems. On the trip I tried turning on the hot water heater and it caught fire and burned the wires going to the circuit board and some of the board. It left some black marks above the heater door on the side of the coach. I do not know what could have gone wrong. I was going to have it repaired but the circuit board is almost $200 and a whole new heater is $350 on Amazon. I am thinking of just replacing the whole unit. BUT to get access to the back of the unit I found it is under the sink and drawers. Can I get to the water lines and wires when I pull it out of the coach or do I have to find a way to get under the cabinets and sink area? Any help on that would be great. I can repair mechanical and electrical objects just fine. Taking it to a dealer would cost $120 per hr where I live....way to much if all I am doing is swapping out the old for the new. Any tips would be great! Thanks in advance.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Had you used the WH earlier this year? Blockage in the tube that passes from Burner to Exhaust, like a wasp nest, spider webs, etc. can cause it to flame back.

    A diode-looking device called "thermal fuse" should have cut the LPG off before it got that bad.

    I "might" repair, but I'd need to figure out if another component (in addition to the logic board) was required to fix it. Board + Much Else = Replace.

    Be sure you get DSI (electronic ignition)! The "standing pilot" type is a pain. I really like the "+electric" feature too.
  • I just replaced mine just bought the motorhome last year some bone head tech or complete idiot put mine back together after a freeze cracked tank without the sealing rings installed exhaust was dumping in the coach almost killed us thankfully the CO monitor was working.

    I installed mine from a eBay buy brand new

    To answer your question water connection will need to be dealt with in the rv I wouldn't take the chance of stressing the pex from the outside. Your wiring should be long enough to deal with from the outside just have support or help hold it when sliding it out so u don't rip the wiring. Yours maybe burnt by the sounds of it

    All else is done from the outside I used butyl to seal the new one in

    Super easy job takes about an hour

    Oh and even after draining the old heater be ready with towels when sliding it out as I had quite a bit of water under the sink

    Sorry for punctuation typed this on my phone