Mile High wrote:
DrewE wrote:
I am confused by this. What do you mean by "the current drops as the amp load increases"? Those are precisely opposite statements; it is akin to saying that speed decreases as mph increases.
The sole purpose of a circuit breaker or fuse is to cut the power in the event of an overload (overcurrent) situation. If it does not do that, it is dangerously defective.
not necessarily. Breakers trip by thermal energy on a bimettalic strip. If heat is absorbed by other means such as too small of a gauge wire or cord, the braker never sees the heat even though it is supplying far over its rating. It's not unusual to see 30A RV outlets melt to the plug because the load is using 40-50-60 amps but the 30a cord is shedding the heat instead of the breaker seeing it.
Regardless, I still don't see where the OP did anything wrong. The transfer switch needs replaced, simple as that. They are junk anyway. Ours on our 5er was recalled twice.
I agree that the OP didn't do anything wrong.
The RV outlet and plugs get hot and melt not because there is more than 30A flowing through them, but because the contact is poor and the resistance of the connection is high and consequently there is a voltage drop and power being consumed by the contact point (power which becomes heat). If the current exceeded 30A (sufficiently and for a long enough time, based on the trip curve of the breaker), the breaker would trip; if anything, it would trip sooner if near the socket because of the heat from the socket warming it up. If there is, say, a two volt drop at 25A, that's fifty watts concentrated at the prong of the plug, and equivalent to holding a soldering iron in there indefinitely: plenty of heat to damage the plastic shells and wire insulation and so forth.
If a 30A breaker (or fuse) lets a sustained 60A load through without tripping, it is dangerously defective. (There have been a few cases of bad breaker designs that would fail and do exactly this sort of thing. Probably the best know example were the Federal Pacific Stab-Lok breakers, which have contributed to or caused not a few house fires.)