DanLee wrote:
I'm still in the market for a ~$75K 2001-2006 "higher-end" (Newmar, American Coach, Holiday Rambler) DP Coach and I want to pay cash for it because I hate payments. However,that will not leave me with a lot of money for recurring costs and "the unexpected." So, I'm getting cold feet.
So, not counting tires and batteries, how bad is it regarding recurring maintenance and "the unexpected" for a Coach this old?
thanks in advance for your replies.
you will not buy a higher end 2005 or 2006 newmar,american coach or HR for 75K. That being said the cost of maintaining a Decent DP is minimal. in 4 years and 20K miles I have spent $500.00 changing oil,fuel filters, service gen set once,hyd filter,grease cartridges,
new 32 inch wiper blades,etc doing things myself.