We don't have any problem using camping site facilities - after all, we have been tent camping all our lives... :) But, it is sometimes a pain in the neck, especially when the washroom is located far away... I have a feeling that we will use the RV's washroom often. As for the showers, since we are both small, I have a feeling that we will use it quite a bit too, if there's enough water. We will have to learn to conserve water when we take shower but it is nice to have that option. We shower every two or even three days when we camp, so I doubt this will change. LTV Free Spirit (not the version with slide) has 37/42/20g tanks which is nice but dining and bed area is shared, so that won't work for us either... :( Other than that, no B class (that I have researched so far) offers larger than 10g black tank. In fact, the largest grey tank in this group is also only 21g, so overall, the tank capacity is definitely a compromise I'll have to deal with if I choose to go with the B class.
I do plan to rent different type of RVs. I see some places that rent out B class, but I don't see any B+ rentals around here though...
I haven't really looked at any gas B or B+ RVs because I'm afraid of their bad gas mileage and also their performance on the grades (we expect to visit Rockies every year), but I recognize that Diesels cost more to maintain. I have heard about Ford Transit platform which will be powered by both Diesel and EcoBoost (where the latter solves the high altitude power issue but gets rid of Diesel headaches). Perhaps the Transit + EcoBoost might be the answer but I'm not sure when RVs based on this combo will be out.
Class B appears to be expensive but they appear to use high quality materials. If you get the high end gas Class A MH from Newmar of Tiffin, they cost quite a bit more than these Class B's. Given their lower volume, I think the price is reasonable.
Tiger Adventure Vehicles look too small for us....
One thing we will not do, is to stay in motels. As mentioned already, we are quite small - we even slept in twin beds before and it wasn't that bad... :)
Davydd's comment on where Unity can go (more like cannot go) is very interesting. We would like to travel many different places so those are interesting points indeed. What are the real differences between National Parks and National Forests? Being from Canada, I've never been to National Forests before. Do they have scenic hiking trails? Or is it more for those who likes to camp cheap in the wilds with less conveniences? I'm curious, what do you mean by " So, I am working on a design that will be unlike anything on the market today."?
Wow, that's a lot of typing! :)