RayUSMC wrote:
Is anyone aware of a B class that's under 10 feet in height? I think the Winnie Rialta was but of course they're discontinued. The comment about the lack of shower headroom affects me too. I'm 6'2" and haven't been able to use the shower in any rv and just stoop over a little when I'm inside. We have a popup shower tent I use but it shrivels you in colder weather. That where those sponge bath wipes come in handy like we used in Iraq.
The Rialta is technically a C not a B. Anyway I think most all current Class Bs are under 10 feet tall. The Sprinter based Bs are the tallest and most including air conditioner on the roof are under 10 feet tall. Inside the Sprinters are about 6'-3" tall. Since the bathrooms are mostly wet baths a lot of people claim they shower sitting on the WC stool. Keep in mind I am talking about Class Bs, not the non-existant Class B+s that are really Class Cs and the small Class Cs like the Unity and Pursuit. After all, this is the Class B Forum. ;) However, I do have a little bit of peeve about this especially when companies like Thor Industries tries to sell the idea one of their 32 foot long Class Cs is a B+. That's going too far and confuses people and clouds most of this discussion of the differences between true Class Bs and Class Cs.