Forum Discussion

charlessfolly's avatar
Oct 03, 2016

Baby Bear and The Red Jeep

Climbing the steep twisty,turn road from Port Renfrew to Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island we had pulled over many times to allow faster drivers to get by.Not a lot of pull-offs but we were doing what we could.Our sprinter "C"(Baby Bear) does pretty good on those roads but it is a motor home and I didn't want to push it.
The Red Jeep came up pretty fast behind us but didn't seem to mind following us at first.He hung on for a few minutes pulling out to watch for passing spots on as we went.It was a short,fairly steep stretch and I had just missed a small pullout spot when The Red Jeep zoomed past and cut in front of us just as we reached the next corner.I thought he'd drive on but instead he came to a complete stop immediately in front of us on the road at the beginning of the corner.He made a point of looking back at me in his rear view mirror and gave me "The Finger".
At first I was caught off guard by his aggressive behaviour.Then I thought that to stop in such a bad spot was kinda scary.I was afraid of an accident when someone came around the corner.Then I was afraid he'd get out of the Red Jeep and do something more crazy...
I fought back my indignation,swallowed my pride and waved acknowledgment through my windshield trying to look apologetic and not escalate the situation.He glared at me,then,after a moment,he roared off up the hill satisfied that he'd scared me and made his point.
It's been several hours since this happened but I'm still affected by it.
I know road rage happens,but it seems difficult to know when an error or difference of opinion when driving will put you at risk...
Could it be that I did something especially wrong that set this guy off or were we just in the wrong place at the wrong time?Any thoughts?What would you have done?
  • Thanks for responding.Good to not feel alone in this.
    Oh,yeah,Karma.I know it happens.You're being given a gift when you see karma in action.What goes around comes around..
    The gun thing didn't occur to me as handguns aren't allowed up here but Cabella's is very popular and the Red Jeep guy looked like he'd taken his cj up some logging roads-possibly packing an anti-moose gun!
    Actually, taking a picture is a sensible response-I was looking at dash cameras at Costco awhile ago.Maybe even viewing a video would give me a clue if I did do something wrong...
    Beautiful scenic places like that mountainous area can be so amazing.I'd rather see it at a leisurely pace than race through it.How do you get these guys to slow down and smell the roses?
  • romore wrote:
    I was on a 4 lane city street, there was no one in the left lane so I signaled then pulled around the slow vehicle in front of me. Next thing I know a car is on my bumper with the horn blaring, I moved over to let him by. He pulled up beside me, gave me the finger while mouthing what I assume were obscenities then blasted off. Two blocks up he was about to explain his actions to a police officer. Karma.

    The rest of the story!

    "Two blocks up he was about to explain his actions to a police officer. Karma."

    Did you smile and wave? ;)
  • I was on a 4 lane city street, there was no one in the left lane so I signaled then pulled around the slow vehicle in front of me. Next thing I know a car is on my bumper with the horn blaring, I moved over to let him by. He pulled up beside me, gave me the finger while mouthing what I assume were obscenities then blasted off. Two blocks up he was about to explain his actions to a police officer. Karma.
  • We tow quite a bit and people are always doing stupid things on the road and its ecspecailly noticeable when towing the TT. My temper is much shorter for this then my wife's so she usually tells me to mellow out. Which is probably Good because some of the idots now carry guns and think it's ok to fire at you while going down the road at 65 mph. If you upset them.
  • Yep just the crazy world we are living in now. My wife and I both carry our 9mm wherever we go weather it is legal or not.
  • just give thanks that you do not have to live his life. He apparently has a lot of anger issues and you have a lot of enjoyment issues.
    Enjoy your issues!
  • It seems these incidences are escalating. There are so many crazies out there and when they get in a car, they feel power. They are often more of a danger on the road than your perceived infraction that set them off.

    JUst the other day I was in the motorhome at an intersecton. I was in the "straight ahead" lane. Next to me was the turn lane. I was watching the lights and when the turn arrow lit up green, there was instantly a horn sound from behind the first car in the turn lane. The driver in that first car barely had time to go from the brake to the accelerator. Apparently #2 in line was just sitting there with baited breath waiting for the light to change and seconds must have been precious for him.

    I'm not opposed to a "tap" of the horn if needed, but this person just laid on the horn. I don't mind if the car behind me "reminds" me the light has turned green, but laying on the horn scared us all.

  • There are always jerks on the roads. I for one have to grit my teeth and try to stay calm, not so easy. But today's jerks carry guns and will shoot you for the hell of it. I just let it be and hope they continue on down the road!
  • I would have smiled and waved while taking his picture. ;)

    You did nothing wrong. Don't let it bother you.
  • He was the jerk.....plain and simple.

    What would I have done.....
    Well I am not one that scares easily nor do I get intimidated.
    I would have escalated the incident by giving him the finger back in hopes of drawing him out of his Jeep. I would have then pushed Jeep off the road and gotten out and kicked his deserving butt.

    Well that was how I would have reacted many years ago when I was by myself
    Now I would just stare at him griping the steering wheel hoping he just goes on and I don't encounter him again.
    But if he got out of his JEEP.............:S