update. She wouldn't let me near the skillet.
Don't matter weren't no skeeters on the water.
She heated though. She smelled good and attracted more fish.
She caught a nice 17 in brown but minimum is 24 inches.
Caught and released and lost scads of rainbows. Some really nice.
I kept two rainbows of about 14 inches and three more close to that.
We kept our limit of five each Rainbows since Brown Trotu minimum is 24 inches.
Had a lot of fun. I am weak as water. She is ready to paint the town.
Howe do women keep so much energy.
May stop by on way east again and find the Mad Quail Farmer ho knows the ways of big Brown.
The Brown I caught in 05 is on the wall of His Place store. The colors are dull in comparison to when I caught it.
We saw two deer with 30 ft on shore just passing time. The female was chewing her cud. The Buck was just hanging out.
Took their photos. He got up and sauntered up the hill. She just didn't take notice of anything.
Had Bald Eagle fly over us, looking for fish, no doubt.
At the dock a female mink walked from below the store down the dock and ducked behind a barrel.
She was waiting for our guide to throw the innards, of the fish, he was cleaning, on the edge of the ramp and for him to leave.
Several families of mink right around here.
After he camp up the ramp she stopped raised herself high as she could making sure he wasn't still in the boat and walked down and grabbed some fish and to the other side of the ramp and beyond. Did that twice, carrying fish to some young still not on their own, yet, in holes in the bank.
Directly a larger male mink appeared from the water and sauntered down the bank to where she apparently left fish for the young.
Back ot the edge of the ramp and under not to be seen again.
The female came back down the dock grabbed some more fish and back the way she came and down through a hole in the dock.
Guide said they used to take fish as they were cleaning them from the boat.
A very good experience and what RVing is about.
Only way to experience much of America.