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Oct 27, 2014I have a Voyager with color monitor and B/W camera with night vision. For a while the picture would break up and eventually no picture at all. I had several ideas of what could be wrong, but intermittent problems are tough to isolate. If your camera has infrared LEDs like mine, you can do a quick check that may reveal if the camera is getting power. Turn on the camera normally and use a digital camera or a cell phone that has one built in. The sensor in the camera is sensitive to infra-red and usually you can see the LEDs appear to glow blue in your view finder. Have an assistant turn the camera on and off to get a positive reading. This is also a handy way to check remote control for your A/V gear that uses IR. In my case, I found that the camera was not getting power. The small internal connector inside the camera housing (weather proof) made a poor electrical connection. This can be caused by the metal oxidizing and creating a high resistance the low voltage and relatively low current can't break through. After cleaning the plug and pins on the circuit board and making certain that the connector was firmly in place, all was well and the picture was solid once again. This problem can affect other connections along the way. In the communications biz, some digital circuits will use what is called "Sealing Current" superimposed on the conductors to break through any oxidation. I discovered on one occasion the camera acted up again after the RV sat idle for a couple of weeks. After an hour of leaving the camera on, the picture returned to normal. There are a variety of things that could go wrong. This method may not tell you what it is, just what it isn't.