We are like most B owners, we are travelers and usually have plenty of nights that we can refill our water supply which is good since I don't think fresh water tanks come much smaller, ours is 3.5 gallons. We don't have a shower and use a porta potty that has it's own water tank. Most trips we use Arizona Tea jugs for extra water. They are very heavy plastic and narrow so they fit in spaces in the camper that don't get used for much else. You would pay as much or more for an equivalent jug at a camp store and it comes with tea to drink first. After you drink the tea fill with water and a cap of bleach and sit it in the sun for a day to get the tea taste out or you first 4 or 5 fillings will have a slight tea taste. The one yearly place we go for an event without water available that we stay for most of a week we have two blue 5 gallon jugs we take for extra water and they are just in the way till we get there, then they sit outside.