stuplich wrote:
FIRE UP wrote:
Well Bob,
if your rig is a diesel, about 99.9% of them have inverters, NOT CONVERTERS, and, many of them are Inverter/Chargers so, you could be having an issue with that system. Now, if your coach is a gas unit, about 99.9% of them, come with Converters, not Inverters!
Fire Up
I beg to differ!
I think that MANY,(MOST?), diesel coaches have a CONVERTER in their INVERTER/3 stage battery CHARGER.
Here's a link to my Freedom 20 manual:,d.aWM
See page 4, "Introduction".
'96 Safari
Well Sir, you are correct in the fact that there IS a converter "inside" your INVERTER. While both of us are correct, my statement simply states that the primary mechanism for other than battery operation is, either a CONVERTER, usually supplied with a gas coach or an INVERTER, usually supplied with a diesel coach. Now, I don't work on these coaches day in and day out and, do not see or learn about what's new as todays coaches are sent out from the factory. My experience is from owning (4) motor homes to date. We've had (2) Class Cs, and (2) Class As. Both the class Cs and one of the As were gas units and for primary electrical operations inside the them, was a CONVERTER and NO INVERTER.
But for our present coach, an '04 Itasca Horizon, 36GD with the 330 CAT, it comes with a Dimensions 2000 Watt INVERTER/CHARGER. Now, I've read up on mine a few times and, while I can't recall, it might state in it's specs that it too has a "Converter" built into it. I'll check into that so I know before I state anything I might regret. Thanks