Forum Discussion

Fish_mojo's avatar
Sep 06, 2014

Battery compartment limitations

Starting to get into needs for our new to us 2006 Kodiak VXL 2200 mh. It is a smaller 22' B+.

For the house power, there is a single group 24 12v battery from 2009. It work, looks clean, and I haven't tested it. From the age, I'd say its due to be replaced, whether it tests good or not. We do have a gen on board, and I just replaced all the bulbs with LED. No solar.

The battery tray is a slide out unit 12" wide by 14" deep. I don't see any way to fit 2 batteries in the compartment. To get the most capacity, I would think a group 31 would fit and provide the most bang for the buck. SSC225 Trojan?? Looking for ideas and recommendations.

edit*** took another look- it is a group 27, not a 24 and set in the compartment sideways (12" dimension). The width now looks like it would fit a second group 27 behind it. I would assume just get 2 new group 27 deep cycles and just jumper the 2 in parallel (+ to +, - to minus). Are there other options?
  • Are you looking for max amps?

    Are you boondocking?

    Do you camp with no power? And how long?

    How will you charge the batterys?