Forum Discussion

clydedoerr's avatar
May 04, 2014

Battery cut off switch

I just managed to short out my battery cut off switch. Anybody have an idea where the fuse is? Not where my other 12v fuses are in the coach, and not near the auxillary battery. It is a 2007 four winds 29r. Thaanks
  • Glad you have solved your problem. looks like the placement of your converter and solenoid is the same as mine, not too surprising since both rigs are Four Winds.

    Thanks for the update. Have a great summer.
  • UPDATE: Thanks for all your help. The fuse is located under the bed next to the converter under a wooden cover. The solenoid is also under there. Mine is rectangle in shape and is black Two fuses are attached to the solenoid. One of those goes to the on off battery cutoff switch. Thanks for all your recommendations
  • On our Jayco Greyhawk, there is a fuse on the solenoid for the disconnect switch. On our unit, the disconnect switch is in the battery compartment, behind the battery screwed onto the back wall of the battery compartment.

  • If it is near the battery you should be able to follow the wire from the positive terminal of the battery. It may go to a terminal and then branch so it may not be that easy.

    Mine is near the converter which is under the bed. I have to lift the bottom of the bed, then remove a small panel and that reveals the solenoid. Yours may or may not be the same.

    Yours probably looks like mine, same OEM. It looks similar to this.

    How do you know it is not a fuse in the power panel? Did you check with a meter?
  • Sorry for the confusion. It is the switch that turns the solenoid onand off, I know the solenoid is close to the battery Icould hear it switching before I blew the fuse. I have taken the battery out and looked all around but for the life of me I cant see it.
  • I'm not sure what you mean by "short out my battery cut off switch". If you shorted the 12v line from the battery to the cutoff solenoid you may have an in-line fuse. Mine has a 40A auto resetting circuit breaker near the converter.

    Or do you have an in-line switch, not a solenoid?

    Or did you short out the control line to the solenoid? AFAIK, mine has fuses right on the solenoid.
  • I do not have your model, however most are similar.

    You may have one of these in the engine compartment.
    There may also be a fuse on the radiator support for it.

    When my relay went out, I just put both wires on the same terminal to get power then added a manual switch near the 12v fuse panel. This is what I used:

    This may also be helpful to understanding the system.