Forum Discussion

RRTom's avatar
Oct 08, 2020

Battery questions

I just had the house batteries replaced with AGM's. I checked the built in "battery control" and voltage was reading 8.85. This was one week after install. I started the generator to exercise it, the A/C and charge the batteries. The gen ran very rough for about a minute and half, and then stopped. I will let the dealer sort the gen problem out since it's still under warranty.

I plugged in the 50 amp this morning and immediately checked the "battery control" and got a reading of 13.3. I left it alone for a while and it stayed right in that range. I have now unplugged the 50 amp and the voltage dipped to 12.9, did the battery disconnect, and I will check again in an hour. I have been told that leaving the 50 amp plugged in while parked next to the house will damage my batteries.

Also, when i do the battery disconnect, and then reconnect, the radio comes on by itself. ???

I am "electrical system illiterate" and would appreciate any possible explanations for this.
  • Discharged batteries should ramp up the voltage to 14.8V for bulk charging and then ramp down to 13.6V for float. (see your battery specs for exact voltage)

    IF leaving your RV plugged in damages the battery then your charger is rather marginal.

    Most rigs have loads that cannot be switched off which might expain your 8.8V. And 8.8V is not good for the battery. Posting your battery and charger make and model should get you better input. Ditto for the radio.