Forum Discussion

HIKING1's avatar
May 03, 2016

Beginning Search for Class C (drawn to 12+ yr old Lazy Daze)

New to the Class C Forum and seriously considering a Class C. I originally wanted an Airstream (or even fiberglass TT), but my husband is inclined to the Class Cs. We both work from home and are about 15 yrs from retirement. We live in Sarasota Fl and would love to do some hiking/camping in the Carolinas a couple times a year, 1+ bigger trips a year out West, and some longer weekenders in FL/GA. Its just us 2 w occassional 7 yo granddaughter who we would love to explore the outdoors with and out West. I have to start off by saying we dont typically like the inside of most RVs and TTs - I feel like I am in something that is trying to be an overstuffed Hotel room (it's just me - I know). Airstreams and most of the better Fiberglass TT are too expensive and then theres the need for tow vehicle (plus my husband isn't comfortable w the idea of a TT up mountain grades). What is the quality, in your opinion of the 1990s to early 2000s Lazy Daze (mid bath w the twin king would be a dream for us)! Would you suggest a dealer to help locate one over time (since I've read that they "go quickly" and not many around)? What other ones are similar to them? They have a smart floor plan, one that I could "make nice" (Im the artsy one) and seems to be a good choice for the National Park type camping we almost exclusively hope to do. I am open to your suggestions and knowledge THANKS IN ADVANCE! :-)
  • With any older rig I suggest you spend $100 or so and have the rig pressure tested - should reveal any potential sources of leaks. Leaks and related water damage is likely the no. 1 risk of buying used RV's.
  • Lazy Daze is a great brand....but the roof must be sealed at least once every 2 years. Check for any soft spots both inside and out.....
  • Will you be buying new or used?

    If used there are 3 items to look for.

    1. look for any leaks.
    2. look harder for any leaks
    3. look even harder for any leaks.

    If you see any signs, run away.

    P.S. I love the Lazy Daze
  • Join the Lifewithalazydaze yahoo group and tell them what you are looking for. Just might help.