JCat wrote:
Was looking at a Video on youtube posted by Andrew Steele, where his new to him used Newell burned up really fast.
Very unfortunate for him and his girlfriend, since she had all her belongings in the RV.
It got me to thinking that I should replace my 15 year old extinguisher (really dummy), yes really.
So what do you guys have and how many ?
Be sure to look at refilling or servicing your fire extinguisher at a local fire sprinkler and fire equipment dealer. Most quality extinguishers are built to be inspected, serviced, and refilled. The really small "kitchen" extinguishers are throw away, but most others are serviceable. The ones in my RV are all serviceable. Waste not want not.
In reality, the issue Andrew Steele had couldn't be fixed with a fire extinguisher. He would have had to have been direct witness to the fire starting and had the extinguisher in hand to even have a chance. I suspect the fire was related to the generator. I believe he had his generator on while going down the road (yes, very normal activity, I do this myself), and something got hot and started combustion of something under the chassis. I'm speculating.
In reality a Fire Ball mounted in engine compartments or other hazardous areas would be much more effective than hand carried fire extinguishers.