MountainAir05 wrote:
Might want to read this on the Chf. Have run across some that did this and the cost for repair was not nice. If you are having an issue then fix it the right way and enjoy it far longer and a nicer ride. front end alignment and correct air pressure will make a big difference. You might add that tires can and do cause a lot of handing issues.
CHF fix
Not what I would consider a reliable article considering it's from a company selling their own trac bars. LOTS of people have done the CHF with amazing results and zero issues. I did it on both my previous MH's and it almost totally eliminated truck push and wander. You also want to start with proper PSI which requires loading your rig for travel and setting PSI to the tire manufacturer's chart. OP - you said you are new to the Class A world, so you may want to have some realistic expectations on how Class A's - especially gassers - ride and handle. Not to say there aren't things you can do to improve ride, but I would start with free things before I'd throw a bunch of money at it. Alignment and proper psi should be done regardless of your issues.